[CQ-Contest] shack table height - optimal for CW contesting?

Tom W8JI w8ji at w8ji.com
Thu Sep 20 18:38:22 EDT 2012

On 20/09/2012 10:29 AM, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> Ergonomics question.  Optimal table height?
> I’ve always had shack tables made from whatever I had around.  But this 
> time I’m building up a table and can pick the height.  Of course it 
> depends on what chair you set in, and your body, etc.  But I wonder if 
> guys had a particular preference or range.


I did a long study of this before I built my contesting barn desks. The 
optimum distance turned out to be from the top of the desk surface to the 

Seriously, I concluded ~29.5 inches was best to the desk top surface. I also 
recessed the supports way back so Hams with long legs would not bump the 
supports. Adjustable chairs work best without unnecessary desk surface 
thickness. I used 1 and 11/16th inch thick solid core doors.


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