[CQ-Contest] Evolving scoring systems

Mark markzl3ab at gmail.com
Mon Dec 2 17:03:03 EST 2013

Some interesting comments; some were even on topic ;-)

All I was trying to say (but perhaps not that well?) is that there is room
for innovation in contest scoring just like there has been with RBN and
Skimmer etc.  It does not all need to be number of QSOs plus multipliers
and it may pull in people who would not ordinarily contest.

Here are a couple of thoughts.

How would a contest go where the goal is to work as many DXCC entities as
you could, a mini DX marathon if you like you in 24 or 48 hours?  What
strategies would you need to employ to maximise your score?  [As an aside
could you use the WARC bands since it is not a contest in the traditional
scoring sense]?

Or thinking of a team situation, what if you were in a team of six, one on
each continent, in say a 24 hour contest using traditional scoring but you
could only operate 4 hours each.  Using instant messaging or voice chat to
co-ordinate your plans, what tactics would you employ?  Would that be fun
to try?  Who knows you may even make new friends.

Sure changing the nature of the game for one or more contests may not
satisfy the "must work 200/hr for 48 hours" crowd but then contesting is
about many different types of people.

Finally as someone else said how would a bunch of gamers design a radio
contest?  I suspect quite differently to what we have now.

Mark ZL3AB

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