[CQ-Contest] CQ WW Scoring System needs revision?

Milt -- N5IA n5ia at zia-connection.com
Mon Dec 2 17:49:35 EST 2013

Hello Fabio,

Yes, that is correct.  My point is:  Most of the CQ Zones are too large to 
implement anything new associated with the Zones.  For example, I am a bit 
more than 2,000 miles (3,250 kM) from the opposite side/corner of Zone 4.

That is ONE THIRD (33%) of the distance from my home to ROME (9,800 kM). 
And that is just ONE ZONE, mine.

DISTANCE Scoring, with whatever handicaps you want to throw in to SMOOTH out 
the few waves, IS the most fair way to score any DX contest.  DX = DISTANCE. 
Period.  Value MUST be placed on DISTANCE with qualifiers for Auroral Zones 
within the path.  No method will ever be perfect, but DISTANCE SCORING sure 
is a LOT closer than anything used right now in CQ WW.

Search the winners for the SPDC for it's 17 years of existence and you will 
quickly see the wisdom of utilizing DISTANCE SCORING as the principle point 
provider in any contest that is oriented towards DISTANCE as the GOAL.  When 
a VK6 and and a CE1 can win #1 World,  and other winners are scattered 
around two other continents, then you know for a fact that it is the correct 
base scoring mechanism that is working correctly.

Then the variables get thrown in to smooth out the smaller waves.

REWARD DISTANCE, ,,,,,,,,,NOT geographic or political boundaries.  Then it 
is a true DX CONTEST.

Mis dos centavos.  de Milt, N5IA

-----Original Message----- 
From: Fabio I4UFH
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 11:54 AM
To: Reflector Reflector
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW Scoring System needs revision?

Hi Fellows,

There will always someone that didn’t agree, because everyone look at only 
to his own personal case, what is needed
is that we, everyone, have a view over our nose, and understand that should 
, could be a different points of view, that
we can share and discuss.

There is no playfiled level equation for everyone, there are different 
solutions that can evolve to a new solution, that
from different point of view can be better then another, obviously nothing 
is perfect , so we cannot expect the magic
solution, but we can discuss over there.

My proposal, is simply, and probable better the the actual one, obviously 
need to be tuned up, i am avalaible if some
one is interested to write down a draft paper … Need some US guys for 
correcting my no mother tounge english !

Let’s go

73 de Fabio I4UFH

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