[CQ-Contest] in light of the claimed CQWW cw scores....hard data

kr2q at optimum.net kr2q at optimum.net
Fri Dec 6 11:38:50 EST 2013

First, I think it is good that when someone observes a score that seems "wrong," that they
shine a light on it.  As has been posted before (many times), "If you suspect something, not 
only should you say something about it, but tell us who it is."

Second, there is a wealth of information (data) available for the CQWW.  It is a simple matter
to "check" before you draw conclusions or make accusations.  This is true for those who
"attack" the accuser as well.

Shown below are the top 5 SOABHP cw scores, showing continents, going back to 1999.  I
created a file going back to 1986 for the top 500 scores, but that was too much to add here.

A few comments (on data for CQWW CW, SOABHP, going back to 1986):

What continents have won first place?
Africa: 17 times
SA: 10x
no others

second place?
Africa: 10 times
SA: 15 times
NA: 2x (2009 and 1986)

third place?
Africa 7x
SA: 15x
NA: 4x
AS: 1x (2001)

So based on that, I would say that LU5DX was correct to QUESTION the score, 
but not to accuse him of behavior outside the rules.  

Because NA has NEVER won (since 1986), that is good reason to call for extra scrutiny.

If anyone wants the data for the top 500 scores since 1986 (CQWW CW, SOABHP) 
in excel 2010 format, please let me know and I'll be happy to share.  

It is also easily available from the cqww.com pages.

de Doug KR2Q

score	call	cont	YEAR	(overall rank since 1986) 	year rank
15,221,316	CR3E	AF	2012	5	1
14,206,275	EF8M	AF	2012	13	2
13,170,634	PZ5T	SA	2012	19	3
13,151,040	P40F	SA	2012	20	4
11,839,500	CR2X	EU	2012	41	5
15,846,012	EF8M	AF	2011	3	1
15,673,940	PZ5T	SA	2011	4	2
15,151,668	CR3E	AF	2011	6	3
12,487,489	P40W	SA	2011	32	4
11,810,760	8P5A	NA	2011	42	5
15,117,795	EF8M	AF	2010	7	1
14,208,754	CR3E	AF	2010	12	2
13,498,728	PZ5T	SA	2010	17	3
11,864,348	V47NT	NA	2010	40	4
11,728,152	P40W	SA	2010	47	5
11,142,327	EF8M	AF	2009	61	1
10,552,524	V47NT	NA	2009	85	2
10,363,860	CR3E	AF	2009	91	3
8,793,603	8P5A	NA	2009	150	4
8,678,109	CN2R	AF	2009	157	5
12,150,138	3V8BB	AF	2008	36	1
10,883,558	CT3NT	AF	2008	68	2
10,201,212	V47NT	NA	2008	96	3
9,617,985	PZ5TT	SA	2008	118	4
8,856,694	8P5A	NA	2008	146	5
13,112,736	3V2A	AF	2007	21	1
10,673,421	P40W	SA	2007	79	2
9,695,355	V47NT	NA	2007	115	3
9,040,800	8P5A	NA	2007	138	4
8,684,269	A45XR	AS	2007	156	5
12,524,928	CT3NT	AF	2006	28	1
12,257,136	3V6T	AF	2006	35	2
11,511,600	P40W	SA	2006	52	3
11,031,930	V47NT	NA	2006	65	4
11,017,652	PZ5ZY	SA	2006	66	5
12,489,525	CT3EN	AF	2005	31	1
11,100,243	P40W	SA	2005	64	2
9,902,340	8P5A	NA	2005	106	3
9,626,226	A45XR	AS	2005	117	4
8,834,449	ZD8A	AF	2005	149	5
13,605,364	D4B	AF	2004	15	1
11,484,894	EA8ZS	AF	2004	53	2
10,597,877	P40Q	SA	2004	81	3
10,488,336	A45XR	AS	2004	86	4
9,447,417	8P5A	NA	2004	123	5
15,943,070	P40E	SA	2003	2	1
14,226,301	D4B	AF	2003	11	2
11,440,230	KP3Z	NA	2003	56	3
10,837,434	A45XR	AS	2003	70	4
10,267,632	P3F	AS	2003	92	5
14,251,216	P40E	SA	2002	10	1
11,191,146	P40Q	SA	2002	60	2
10,076,400	P40W	SA	2002	100	3
9,300,480	A45XR	AS	2002	126	4
8,765,820	6V6U	AF	2002	152	5
12,516,906	EA8EA	AF	2001	30	1
10,812,725	3V8BB	AF	2001	72	2
10,720,332	A61AJ	AS	2001	76	3
10,006,568	8P9Z	NA	2001	103	4
9,877,730	P40Q	SA	2001	107	5
18,010,765	EA8BH	AF	2000	1	1
12,524,160	P40E	SA	2000	29	2
11,797,800	3V8BB	AF	2000	44	3
9,176,174	8P9Z	NA	2000	129	4
8,786,811	A45XR	AS	2000	151	5
14,626,579	HC8N	SA	1999	8	1
13,577,850	P40E	SA	1999	16	2
13,097,214	EA8EA	AF	1999	22	3
11,729,116	3V8BB	AF	1999	46	4
9,727,320	ZD8A	AF	1999	113	5

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