[CQ-Contest] Time For Some Theme Contests!

John Miller webaron at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 14:46:40 EST 2013

All this talk about changing the rules has got me thinking.

Are you getting tired of the same old contest routine?  

Same old exchanges?  Same old function keys?  Same old Cabrillo file?

Well, I think it's time for some "Theme Contests" with exciting new rules -- like these:

A 30s theme for CQ WW WPX SSB
The verbal Exchange will be "59-Brother Can You Spare A Dime" followed by a serial number beginning with 30.

A 40s theme for ARRL DX SSB:
For this AM-optional mode contest, you must sing the Exchange to the tune of "When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again".

A 50s theme for ARRL June VHF:
For this mobile-only contest, all QSOs must take place from a Classic Car, preferably a convertible.  Photo must be attached to your Cabrillo file.

A 60s theme for the California QSO Party:
You must use a Bean Bag chair, wear John Lennon glasses, and confirm all QSOs with "Groovy".

A 70s theme for ARRL Field Day
You must use phonetics in your callsign from your favorite 70's Band.  Mine will be K-6-Mama-Mia.

An 80s theme for NAQP SSB:
Exchange is one of these Valley Speak terms:  "Whatever", "Bitchin", "Totally", "Gnarly", "Tubular" or "Fer Shur"  + the closest Ham Radio Outlet Grid Square.

A 90s theme for ARRL Sweepstakes:
For your Check, you must use the two digits of the year you first realized that ham radio was threatening your marriage or relationship.

A 00s theme for NA Sprint CW:
A Skimmer only contest, you may only operate this contest using an FCC-approved Robotic arm to send exchanges but must log all QSOs with a #2 medium soft pencil and yellow ruled paper.

I'm starting to get excited.  : >)

John K6MM

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