[CQ-Contest] Telegraph code in Lincoln movie

Sean Cavanaugh seanc at unixgeeks.ca
Mon Jan 7 15:17:04 EST 2013

It's not spelled out explicitly, but this paragraph would lead me to believe they were using American Morse:

"Jim Wilson is the longtime editor of Dots & Dashes, the official publication of the Morse Telegraph Club Inc. For years, he and his son have participated in Civil War re-enactments as telegraph operators of the period."

The Morse Telegraph Club webpage says the use both International and American Morse, as well as "preserving the heritage of telegraphy and educating the public on the history of Morse telegraph communications." I'd think that if anyone would know the difference, it'd be these guys. :)

Sean - VA5LF

On 2013-01-07, at 12:46 PM, Gerry Hull <gerry at yccc.org> wrote:

> But the story does not answer my question:  In those days, they did not use
> International Morse Code (what we use today),
> they used "American" Morse Code...  All of the land-line telegraphy in
> those days was American Morse Code.
> Did the re-enactment guys learn American Morse?  The guy said he learned it
> from his ham-radio dad.
> So Still not a clear story.
> 73,
> -Gerry W1VE
> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Guy Olinger K2AV <olinger at bellsouth.net>wrote:
>> http://www.newsleader.com/article/20121225/NEWS01/312250031/Va-telegraph-experts-bring-accuracy-Lincoln-
>> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 10:47 PM, <Georgek5kg at aol.com> wrote:
>>> Ok, this is not a contesting question, but a curious one  nevertheless.
>>> I just saw the Lincoln movie.  In the movie, there was a lot  of scenes
>> of
>>> telegraph as it was used during the Civil  War.  I am curious to know if
>>> the
>>> code was authentic.  I know  that there is a group of hams who specialize
>>> in copying the old Morse  telegraph code - they had a booth at Dayton.
>>> 73, George
>>> George  Wagner, K5KG
>>> Sarasota, FL
>>> 941-400-1960  cell
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