[CQ-Contest] What's all the talk about "Frequency owner?"

James Jordan k4qpl at nc.rr.com
Mon Jan 14 23:38:04 EST 2013

Well said Hank. There's a difference between grabbing an "unused" frequency and just flat running someone off because you can. 99% of contest ops honor that as I can attest from 3 years SSCW QRP with good runs. Had to play David vs Goliath only a few times and more often than not my just keeping on working people through the QRM made them realize fighting me was hurting their rate and they eventually slunk away. When you're QRP you learn patience!


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On Jan 14, 2013, at 9:39 PM, Hank Greeb <n8xx at arrl.org> wrote:

> Several times while I was "running" during the recent NAQP another op would plop down on the frequency (NOTE, I did NOT say it was "MY" frequency because no one "owns" a frequency") and called CQ.
> Only a very few times the fellow figured out that I had been calling CQ on the frequency, and occasionally making a contact.  Most other times I just searched around, found a "fairly quiet" frequency, and called CQ again.
> I was running my "might 4.9999 watts to a cloud warmer antenna" so it was perhaps understandable.
> But, in past encounters, when I was running 100 watts to a "fair to middling" wire antenna, I found that ops would try the same tactic. After 5 or 10 minutes of neither of us making contacts, or only very few contacts, the other station would slink away.  And, when on the very, very rare occasion that I was in a contest with a "full gallon" station and a "fair to middling full size yagi" I NEVER gave in to the LID who tried to stomp on the frequency I was using. (Note, I NEVER said, and NEVER will say that the frequency I was using was "MY" frequency because the FCC doesn't assign frequencies.)  But, if I'm there first, and I have a "fair to middlin' signal, I'm not about to leave it unless someone declares "EMERGENCY.")
> So,all the discussion about "who's frequency it is" seems specious to me.
> 72/73 de n8xx Hg
> QRP >99.44% of the time
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