[CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted

Edward Sawyer SawyerEd at Earthlink.net
Sun Jan 27 07:25:21 EST 2013

Linear amplifiers have long been accepted as common tools for DXing and
contesting, therefore why not merge the High Power, Low Power, and QRP
categories into one category.


For years, hams have gotten together on contest weekends to greatly enjoy
operating with their friends and peers, therefore why not merge the single
op and multi op categories.


In recent years, there have more than one occasion where the high power
assisted operator has beaten the high power unassisted operator.  Its
happened enough times now to make it clear that, it does matter.


Someone mentioned twisted logic..it doesn't get any more twisted than the
above as an excuse to justify something.




Ed  N1UR

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