[CQ-Contest] Non-Assisted vs. Assisted
Rick Dougherty
rick at nq4i.com
Wed Jan 30 08:18:49 EST 2013
Hi Hal...I agree 100% with what you are saying...
de Rick NQ4I
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Hal Kennedy <halken at comcast.net> wrote:
> I don't have a personal stake in the debate as I always run assisted and
> claim it that way. I do it because I enjoy the interplay of the technology.
> Meanwhile, it is accepted that to date the best SO (A) scores continue to be
> somewhat below the best SO scores.
> The point I'd like to make is there are really three categories:
> - SO
> - SO (A)
> - SO (cheating A)
> We don't know too much about how the scores of the third category stack up,
> but knowing of a few stations that do it routinely, and who have been caught
> and penalized in some cases and STILL continue to do it, I can offer a
> little insight. Some of the SO (cheating A) scores are usually in the top
> ten. In my view that really hurts the sport, plus I really don't understand
> it since those of us who pay attention know who most of them are and
> mentally DQ their scores. Maybe they like having cartons full of ill-gotten
> walnut? Beats me. Most of the SO (cheating A) stations I'm aware of also
> run excessive power. If you are going to cheat - might as well go all the
> way I guess?
> I have no solution to offer other than I think the penalties for getting
> caught running SO (cheating A) should be VERY severe - much more than they
> are now. A three year ban on the first offense and banned for life on the
> second feels good to me.
> I'm posting simply to suggest that the notion that assisted operation hasn't
> caught up with unassisted operation ignores a piece of the puzzle. SO
> (cheating A) has caught up and perhaps surpassed SO.
> 73,
> Hal N4GG/4
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