[CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted-- little pistols

Maarten van Rossum pd2r.maarten at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 03:24:29 EST 2013

Hi Geoffrey,

I seriously doubt that. When I go to the local club and listen to the
contesters, by far the most of them don't want to run on a frequency. They
can't/won't handle the stress, it's as simple as that. If more then two or
three stations reply to their call at the same time, they shut down and
want to QSY.
On some occasions we receive visitors at our contest station. When asked to
join the fun they almost always want to do S&P since that is much more
easy. Yeah I know, maintaining a high QSO rate while doing S&P is hard and
requires skill but you know what I mean.

I'm not saying it's a bad idea, I just don't believe it will increase the
score by as much as 20%.

73, Maarten PD2R

Op donderdag 31 januari 2013 schreef Geoffrey Way (wayg at cape-vision.com)
het volgende:

> Ron wrote:
> "How do we make it interesting for these "little" guns?"
> I have made this suggestion on an individual level to at least one
> organizer, but I'm going public with it now:
> I propose contest organizers consider placing a limit on the percentage of
> contacts made by "running", or limit the number of hours of time spent
> running.
> This is a VERY enforceable rule since most logs show the actual operating
> frequency of the contacts. There are enough logs submitted with frequency
> data that it may even be possible to reverse-engineer the frequencies of
> logs that don't have that data as well.
> Case in point: review the fastest run rates for 2012 CQWW Phone M/2 at
> pileup.ru. The 340 rate I helped put up at KM1W was the fastest hourly
> rate for any contiguous US station, yet half an hour of the 15m QSOs were
> S&P.
> We all know how awful it is to tune around at 1800z on the second day of a
> 48-hour contest and the band is filled with big guns all calling CQ with no
> takers. If more second-tier stations were able to establish running, I bet
> we'd get 20% more combined total contacts in the entire event, because
> those folks would operate more. And there's a LOT more of them than the
> big-guns tying up the bands and effectively pre-empting them from getting a
> run going. I believe this stifles the smaller stations.
> -- KA1IOR
>  "Style is a simple way of saying complicated things."  --J. Cocteau
>               \    /
>             ---\--/----
>                  /
>               ======
>            \  |    |   ---Tao.   A chinese character that
>            -- |----|                means "Way, Path."
>             / |----|
>             \ |____|
>             /_________                  Geoffrey Way
>      websites: http://www.cape-vision.com/**wayg/mrep<http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/mrep>
>                http://www.cape-vision.com/**wayg/ka1ior<http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/ka1ior>
> ______________________________**_________________
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> CQ-Contest at contesting.com
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73, Maarten PD2R

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