[CQ-Contest] Non-assisted & Assisted-- little pistols

Geoffrey Way wayg at cape-vision.com
Wed Jan 30 22:36:07 EST 2013

Ron wrote:

"How do we make it interesting for these "little" guns?"

I have made this suggestion on an individual level to at least one 
organizer, but I'm going public with it now:

I propose contest organizers consider placing a limit on the percentage of 
contacts made by "running", or limit the number of hours of time spent running.

This is a VERY enforceable rule since most logs show the actual operating 
frequency of the contacts. There are enough logs submitted with frequency 
data that it may even be possible to reverse-engineer the frequencies of 
logs that don't have that data as well.

Case in point: review the fastest run rates for 2012 CQWW Phone M/2 at 
pileup.ru. The 340 rate I helped put up at KM1W was the fastest hourly rate 
for any contiguous US station, yet half an hour of the 15m QSOs were S&P.

We all know how awful it is to tune around at 1800z on the second day of a 
48-hour contest and the band is filled with big guns all calling CQ with no 
takers. If more second-tier stations were able to establish running, I bet 
we'd get 20% more combined total contacts in the entire event, because 
those folks would operate more. And there's a LOT more of them than the 
big-guns tying up the bands and effectively pre-empting them from getting a 
run going. I believe this stifles the smaller stations.


  "Style is a simple way of saying complicated things."  --J. Cocteau

               \    /
            \  |    |   ---Tao.   A chinese character that
            -- |----|                means "Way, Path."
             / |----|
             \ |____|
             /_________                  Geoffrey Way

      websites: http://www.cape-vision.com/wayg/mrep

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