[CQ-Contest] Implementing a Dynamic error free RBN-Skimmernetwork

Martin , LU5DX lu5dx at lucg.com.ar
Wed Jul 17 19:04:16 EDT 2013

Hi Igor.
That's true.
It may be a point that needs further clarification in the contest rules.

Vy 73.

Martin, LU5DX

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 6:57 PM, Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Martin,
> That is true. Calling CQ on alternate freq is the rule violation. Anyway
> there are no clear defenition of what is considered alternating CQ. Is it
> every second CQ on a different frequency? Is it changing CQ freq every
> minute or every 5 minute? What time slot is defined in the analyses
> algorithm suggested by Jose? How would the filter react to CQ station
> changing frequency more often then the time interval defined in the
> algorithm?
> 73, Igor UA9CDC
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin , LU5DX" <lu5dx at lucg.com.ar>
> To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2013 3:31 AM
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Implementing a Dynamic error free
> RBN-Skimmernetwork
> I guess no stations can call CQ on alternate frequencies on the same band
> now (MS/M2/MM)...
> Vy 73.
> Martin, LU5DX
> On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 3:53 PM, Igor Sokolov <ua9cdc at gmail.com> wrote:
>  Very well done Jose. Thank you much. I have enjoyed reading it.
>> Couple of thoughts came to my mind.
>> There are instances where one station can be heard on several frequencies.
>> 1) Stations with parasitic AM modulation can have 3 signals spaced aprox.
>> 1.5 kHz
>> 2) Second and third harmonic signals.
>> 3) Multy/ Multy stations.
>> How does your algorithm treats these cases?
>> 73, Igor UA9CDC
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "José Nunes CT1BOH" <ct1boh at gmail.com>
>> To: <cq-contest at contesting.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 4:23 AM
>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Implementing a Dynamic error free RBN-Skimmer
>> network
>> The purpose of this post is to present a way to implement a dynamic error
>> free Skimmer-RBN/Packet network that automatically:
>> 1. Flags and eliminates “Busted Spots” from the network
>> 2. Flags  and eliminates “wrong frequency” spots from the network
>> 3. Prevents inaccurate Skimmer-Spotters from feeding incorrect spots to
>> the
>> network
>> 4. Eventually allow the Skimmer-RBN users to customize reception of spots
>> according to the quality flag and several parameters of the algorithm
>> In my various CQWW CW operations since 1989
>> http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh/****operations.htm<http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh/**operations.htm>
>> <http://www.qsl.**net/ct1boh/operations.htm<http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh/operations.htm>>I’ve
>> only enjoyed
>> Skimmer-RBN/Packet networks from the pile-up end side as PY0F, P40E, CR3E,
>> etc.
>> Skimmer-RBN and packet network has been a blessing for the DX operator as
>> a
>> constant pile-up generator and a reason for the never ending increase in
>> total QSO number throughout the years.
>> Recently, building the idea of operating Assisted on CW from a DX location
>> for the first time, I begun to study how to correctly use
>> Skimmer-RBN/Packet networks. Operating Assisted in minor Contests from
>> home, I discovered several problems that made the use of callsign and
>> frequency information from a RBN feed band map not 100% reliable:
>> - Busted spots
>> - Non-existent spots on a particular frequency
>> - Small frequency shifting spots and
>> - “Unstable” band map with callsigns alternating, popping-in and
>> popping-out
>> Wanting to use Assistance and not being able to completely trust the
>> information is a strange concept to me. If I use Assistance I would expect
>> not to waste time in my mind processing if the call in the band map is
>> good
>> or bad.
>> Solving the problems requires a system that is able to automatically
>> assess
>> the spot before send it to the network and “learns” from itself. The
>> solution is a dynamic error free RBN-Skimmer algorithm.
>> Studding RBN data that can be downloaded here
>> http://www.reversebeacon.net/****raw_data/<http://www.reversebeacon.net/**raw_data/>
>> <http://www.**reversebeacon.net/raw_data/<http://www.reversebeacon.net/raw_data/>>I
>> came to a solution. The algorithm
>> I propose has a simplicity beauty and works extraordinary well. For every
>> new spot that is provided to the Reverse Beacon Network by a Skimmer
>> Spotter or by a packet network by a human, the system will automatically
>> generate the following “Quality Tag” for each spot:
>> Good Spot
>> Good Call, New Frequency Spot?
>> Busted Spot
>> ? Spot
>> In short, the algorithm can be described as follows:
>> Any new spot will be tagged as a “Good Spot” if looking back 25 minutes
>> there are two more Spots with the same call as the new spot, in the
>> approximate same frequency (+/- 0.3 Khz)
>> Any new spot will be tagged as a “Good Call, New Frequency Spot?” if
>> looking back 25 minutes there is a Spot that was already tagged as “Good
>> Spot”, with the same call as the new spot, but the new spot is in an
>> adjacent frequency (less or equal than -0.4 Khz and greater or equal than
>> +0.4 Khz)
>> Any new spot will be tagged as “Busted Spot” if looking back 25 minutes
>> there are at least three already tagged “Good Spot” with a similar call,
>> in
>> the approximate same frequency of the new spot (+/- 0.1 Khz). The similar
>> call is a call that can be transformed into the new spot call by character
>> insertion, deletion or substitution.
>> Any Spot that is not a “Good Spot”, a “Good Call, New Frequency Spot?” or
>> a
>> “Busted Spot” is an undetermined spot “?Spot”.
>> Let’s have a closer look at it, with examples from RBN spots from CQWW CW
>> 2012:
>> “Good call” quality flag
>> #1       call1    freq1   time1   #Spotter      Quality tag
>> 711     CR3E   7045    4           #G4HYG       ?Spot
>> 860     CR3E   7045    5           #WB8BIL      ?Spot
>> 918     CR3E   7045    5           #WB2LSI      Good Spot
>> 3077   CR3E   7045    20         #G4HYG       Good Spot
>> 3254   CR3E   7045    21         #S52AW       Good Spot
>> 3336   CR3E   7045    22         #KB9AMG    Good Spot
>> 3892   CR3E   7045    25         #DK9IP         Good Spot
>>>> CR3E started the contest (CQWW CW 2012) on 7045. The first two spots get
>> the quality flag “?Spot”, but by the third spot of WB2LSI skimmer CR3E is
>> flagged as a “good call” and all subsequent spots on 7045 will get the
>> “Good Spot” quality flag.
>> After a lot of testing I can say the system should operate with a
>> bandwidth
>> filter of +/- 0.3 KHz. All spots that do not fall within this +/- 0.3 KHz
>> filter will not get the “Good Spot” quality tag.
>> “Good Call, New Frequency Spot?”
>> #1          call1    freq1      time1   #Spotter      Quality tag
>>>> 33721   CR3E   7045       220       #F5MUX       Good Spot
>> 34154   CR3E   7041.3    223       #KA9SWE     Good Call, new freq?
>> 34460   CR3E   7045       225      #RU9CZD      Good Spot
>>>> 40711   CR3E   7044.9    261       #KQ8M         Good Spot
>> 40740   CR3E   7041.3    261       #KA9SWE    Good Call, new freq?
>> 41213   CR3E   7045.1    264       #K3LR          Good Spot
>>>> CR3E continues to be on 7045. All of a sudden #KA9SWE skimmer spots CR3E
>> on
>> 7041.3. The systems detects a frequency difference and flags it as a “Good
>> call, new frequency?”.  Is it really a QSY to a new frequency by CR3E? If
>> yes, then, shortly after two more spots the system will change the flag to
>> “Good spot”. It is not the case in this example because skimmer #RU9CZD
>> confirms there was no QSY. Later on we see that #KA9SWE sends another spot
>> on 7041.3.Obviously #KA9SWE skimmer needs frequency calibration.
>> After a lot of testing I can say the system should operate with a
>> bandwidth
>> filter of greater than +/- 0.3 Khz. All spots that do not fall within this
>> +/- 0.3 KHz filter will not get the “Good Spot” quality tag, and this
>> should be the accuracy threshold.
>> “Busted Spot”
>> #1          call1       freq1     time1   #Spotter      Quality tag
>> 31159   CR3E      7045      204       #S52AW      Good Call
>> 31172   KR3E      7045      204       #K9QC          Busted
>> 31205   CR3E      7045      205       #G4HYG       Good Call
>>>> CR3E continues to be on 7045. All of a sudden #K9QC skimmer sends a KR3E
>> spot. The system detects that KR3E is a similar call of CR3E on the same
>> frequency of a Good Spot and it will flag this spot as a Busted spot. The
>> system uses Levenshtein distance to calculate a similar call (
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/****Levenshtein_distance<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Levenshtein_distance>
>> <http://**en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Levenshtein_distance<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance>
>> >).
>>  Depending on the
>> length of the callsign it will look for calls that are x-off letters away.
>> After a lot of testing I can say the system should operate with a
>> bandwidth
>> filter of +/- 0.1 Khz. A Busted Spot comes from a good spot, and usually
>> from Skimmer that has already spotted the call, therefore a threshold of
>> 0.1 is what works best.
>> “?Spot”
>> All “?Spot” are spots that cannot be determined as “Good Spot” or as “Good
>> Call, New Frequency Spot?” or as “Busted Spot”.  Some are good spots – The
>> first and the second spot on a new frequency when a run starts. But the
>> majority is “spots” send by skimmers, of stations calling RUN stations.
>> These spots should never be sent out to the network by skimmer. They are
>> false positive running stations.
>> How does this proposed system works?
>> I can say it works extraordinary well!
>> I tested all 40 meter spots from CQWW CW 2012 – almost a million sots:
>> Quality flag                               Spots        % of spots
>> ?                                            46.593              4.69%
>> Busted                                   20.734               2.09%
>> Good Call                             855.227              86.08%
>> Good Call, new freq?               70.994               7.15%
>> Grand Total                          993.548            100.00%
>> After running my algorithm I also went back to validate both “? Spots” and
>> “Good call, new freq?” spots. If I have the following spots:
>> 711     CR3E   7045    4           #G4HYG       ?Spot
>> 860     CR3E   7045    5           #WB8BIL      ?Spot
>> 918     CR3E   7045    5           #WB2LSI      Good Spot
>> It is easy to determine after running the algorithm that spot #711 and
>> spot#918 are “Good Spots” from spot 918. This cannot be done with a real
>> time system, because once a quality tag is given to a spot it is given.
>> Of the 46.593 spots with “?Spot” quality flag:
>>     20768 are good calls (these are all the first and second spot of a run
>> that just started)
>>     25825 spots are indeed “? Spots” (mostly stations calling on pile-ups)
>> Of the 70.994 spots with “Good Call, New Freq?” quality flag:
>>     24.502 are good call (these are all the first and second spots of a
>> run that just started in a new frequency)
>>     46.492 spots are indeed “Good Call” that are sent to the network with
>> a wrong frequency by an uncalibrated skimmer.
>> My algorithm also allows the RBN to detect uncalibrated skimmer spotters.
>> Looking at the list of skimmers it is easy to build a list based on the %
>> of “Good call, New freq?” quality flag. Let’s take a look at the top ten
>> Skimmer spotters according to spots sent to the RBN:
>> Skimmer     Spots          % of “Good Call, New Freq?”
>> #K3MM     45.726         3.1%
>> #GW8IZR  29.984         8.7%
>> #S52AW    29.214        5.2%
>> #DL8LAS   26.906         3.7%
>> #DR1A      25.831         3.1%
>> #RU9CZD 24.301          6.4%
>> #HA6PX     23.317      38.6%
>> #OL5Q      23.006         4.4%
>> #W3LPL   21.889          2.0%
>> #KQ8M    21.833          7.1%
>> We can see that a calibrated skimmer should not have more than 3% of “Good
>> Call, New frequency?” spots, because that is the dynamic of people
>> changing
>> frequency in the contest. Numbers greater than that show uncalibrated
>> skimmers, such is the case of #GW8IZR, #HA6PX, or #KQ8M.
>> To finalize several considerations:
>> 1 RBN (Reverse Beacon Network) is a fantastic instrument for contesters
>> and
>> DXers.
>> 2 We have the instruments to turn the current RBN network into a dynamic
>> error free system
>> 3 The system should allow the user to decide to filter out “Busted” spots,
>> “Good call, New Freq?” spots and “? Spots”. By giving a quality flag it
>> would be up to the user to use the quality flags to filter out spots
>> 4 The system should warn uncalibrated skimmers
>> If you want to play with the data and with the algorithm you can:
>> The algorithm and several graphs that explain how well the system works is
>> available to download here
>> http://www.qsl.net/c/ct1boh//****dl/ <http://www.qsl.net/c/ct1boh//**dl/><
>> http://www.qsl.net/c/ct1boh//**dl/ <http://www.qsl.net/c/ct1boh//dl/>>
>> Please note that the excel file is ~90MB
>> In sheet 1 there are 993.548 spots from CQWW CW 2012 on 40 meters
>> In sheet 2 there is the results of the algorithm. This would be the output
>> of the system with real time adding a quality flag to each spot (if you do
>> Alt-Q you will activate the macro. it takes 1892 seconds to flag all
>> 993.548 spots on my PC. Or on average 0.0019 seconds to flaf every
>> incoming
>> spot.
>> In sheet 3 there is a pivot table to manipulate data from sheet 2
>> In sheet 4 there is a list and graph that show the performance of skimmers
>> as far as frequency calibration is concerned
>> In sheet 5 there is a list and a graph of calls and the % of Busted of
>> each
>> call according to number of spots
>> In sheet 6 there is the algorithm code (please note that I’m not a
>> programmer. I just learned VBA to do this)
>> --
>> José Nunes
>> CONTEST CT1BOH - http://www.qsl.net/ct1boh
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