[CQ-Contest] self spotting

W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Jul 23 14:50:28 EDT 2013

Then the community should get together and patch that hole in the 
network.  Would you be interested in hosting/maintaining a skimmer in 
your area?

I am sure you can understand that if self spotting was condoned what it 
would do.


On 7/22/2013 9:11 PM, Charles Harpole wrote:
> 1.  I will self spot anytime off a contest.  See why.
> 2.  If I am not spotted during a contest, I will get bored and lay off for
> hours;  no help if you need me as a mult.  See why.
> Today there is no known RBN skimmer operating from JA to ZL and from HI to
> 5B.  Now that is a very large hole to live in... without self spotting...
> and I don't want to move anywhere else.  I know KH7XS did move back to K4,
> hi Bill.
> In the latest IARU contest, HS0ZIA super station was spotted 22 times in
> the 24 hours.  That sounds like a small number considering our rare-ity,
> yes or no?
> I really do not understand the onus of self spotting even during a contest,
> especially if it is dead sure that is the only way you will be noticed by
> yagi pointed away and fat runs going on between USA and EU.
> Don't hate me because I am beautiful or because I self spot.  (I sure hope
> u know that old Pantene shampoo commercial).  73

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