[CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contesting - A Summary

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Tue Jun 25 15:29:10 EDT 2013

I figured you would not answer the question.  Anyway, I have no particular
aversion with W2LC's assertion, other than we don't need new rules -- the
rules already state that you must be appropriately licensed.
in the country the station is located. If you don't have the license,
you'll get disqualified from a contest.  I'd bet in a good number of
countries, there is nothing in the regulations that say you have to be
physically present in the country to operate -- you just have to have a
license.   This, as you well know, is because it takes a long time for the
licensing authority to catch up on changes in technology.   If it's not in
the law, you can't be breaking it, right?  So, until the time the law
changes, you'll see remote operatrions across DXCC borders.   You know that
some Finns have already done this.

Since we have many proactive contesters among those who help to formulate
regulation, I don't think you'll see them generating any language that
would prevent remote operation across borders.  Yes, some repressive
countries will prevent it, but many will not.  At least that's my

You say:
"If what you're doing can't be done without an
engine, then what you're doing can't be sailing,
or gliding or cycling."

"If what your doing can't be done without RF generated and received in the
Amateur Bands, then what your doing cannot be called Amateur Radio."

You've proved my point with your own statement.

73, Gerry W1VE

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> Hello Gerry,
>  What's wonderful about this world, Paul, is that you are free to express
>> your ideas...  no matter how long you beat the concept to death.
> If you have anything of value to say, now's the
> time to do it.
>  If you
>> follow what is happening with the CQ Contest committee, you'll see that
>> things are not going your way.
> That's correct but, eventually, things will go my way.
> I'm with Scott W2LC when he says.
>   "Now, I am not saying remote operation is good or bad,
>   but at what point does it count or not count?"
>   "New rule proposal:  for all remote contest operations,
>   have the operator submit evidence of proper licensing,
>   similar as is done for DXCC approved operations, you
>   have to prove you had permission to operate a station
>   from the location/country you remote to.  And also prove
>   that you really operated a remote station located where
>   you claim it is located."
>  My question to you is this:
> I'll answer your question when you address the main
> points I made.  It would help to know which bits you
> don't accept or don't understand.
> If what you're doing can't be done without an
> engine, then what you're doing can't be sailing,
> or gliding or cycling.
> If you can't have a QSO without the internet,
> then it's not a ham-radio QSO.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI

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