[CQ-Contest] Remote Control in Contesting - A Summary

Peter Sundberg sm2cew at telia.com
Tue Jun 25 16:17:27 EDT 2013

At 14:39 2013-06-25 , Paul O'Kane wrote:
>Here's my summary.
>If what you're doing can't be done without an
>engine, then what you're doing can't be sailing,
>or gliding or cycling.
>If you can't have a QSO without the internet,
>then it's not a ham-radio QSO.
>On the internet, distance has no significance -
>there is no DX.
>Or did I get all these wrong?
>Paul EI5DI

No Paul, you did not get all these wrong. 

The problem is that the majority of those debating the matter are unable to
grasp the full perspective of what remote control will do to ham radio

Peter SM2CEW 



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