Stan Stockton wa5rtg at gmail.com
Mon Mar 18 08:49:11 EDT 2013

I vote to add Paul, EI5DI,  to W2UP's list of those who know the answers.  I agree with everything Paul says in his post.  

There are serious contesters, CQ Hall of Famers, CQ Committee Members and others who are PLEADING to not take away the rights already in place for the minority who choose to enter in the assisted category and at the same time PLEADING to not take away the rights of those in the majority who choose to operate a RADIO contest without the use of the network of remote receivers (RBN) to provide a computerized list of stations to work.

I have YET to see a single, passionate plea (well-reasoned or not), for the good of the "sport" to force the huge majority into a category they currently choose to not enter.

Opening up (I say rushing up) a YES or NO survey to every ham in the world so we can "announce some new rules this summer" instead of taking the time to survey just those who would actually be impacted would be like allowing the world to vote in a USA governmental election. 

Will the results be broken out into categories - those who have operated single operator and those with assistance, those who get on to work a few stations to build their country totals versus those who put in a serious effort to win an award in Single Operator, etc?

Stan, K5GO

On Mar 17, 2013, at 3:38 PM, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> On 17/03/2013 15:22, Bob Naumann wrote:
>> The survey is OPEN to all.
> It's not a survey!  Yes, it looks like a survey, and
> I've responded to it myself but, in reality, it's not
> a survey.
> Rather, it appears to be, in part, a tool or a pretext
> for the purpose of giving the CQWW committee an option
> to abolish the SO category and wash its hands of the
> (admittedly) thankless task of determining which SO
> entries should be reclassified.
> Why else would the committee "survey" contesters in
> general about an issue that has no relevance to anyone
> but single-ops?  After all, by definition, single-ops
> all want to stay SO, and the others couldn't care less
> - because it doesn't concern them.
> A "survey" to combine QRP, LP and HP, or another
> to combine SO and MO would make just as much, or
> as little, sense.
> The "survey" does offer the possibility, if SO and
> SOA categories (and results) were to be combined,
> of identifying those that claimed not to have used
> assistance.  That is no solution or, rather, it's
> a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.  SO
> entrants want to stay SO, quite apart from seeing
> a meaningless comparison of their scores with those
> from other entry categories.
>> Anyone who has an interest in the CQ WW DX Contest may take the survey.
> This statement raises two issues.  What applies
> to CQWW DX applies equally to the remaining major
> contests that continue to distinguish between SO
> and SOA.  Should a precedent be set by CQWW, it's
> a fair assumption it would soon apply to all the
> others.
> Secondly, it seems to me that anyone who does not
> already enter as SO in the major contests has no
> business responding to survey questions that do not
> concern them, or that will have no effect on their
> chosen way of operating.
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI
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