[CQ-Contest] Is the wpx a prefix test or dx contest?

W0MU Mike Fatchett w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu May 9 11:57:47 EDT 2013

It is the Worked ALL Prefixes contest. You should be rewarded for 
working Prefixes, not piling up QSO points by working EU all day and 
night on the low bands where it can be done from the East Coast to EU 
and EU to the east coast but from no where else.

Any changes need to be considered carefully as there can always be 
unintended consequences.

I can't believe how much flak Rick is taking for bringing up a topic.  
What is his motivation?  Clearly he would like to see people rewarded 
for working prefixes.  If I was an OP at a MM and worked my butt off and 
looked at the results to see a MS station with the same score solely 
from QSO points I would be a bit discouraged.

CQ-Contest is a discussion board.  Lets discuss and drop all the 
personal barbs.  If you are not interested in discussing contesting then 
why exactly do you subscribe?  Do you go to a NASCAR race and complain 
about the noise too?

Mike W0MU

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