[CQ-Contest] How close to salt water is close enough?

Mike & Coreen Smith VE9AA ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Fri May 17 11:09:13 EDT 2013

Hi All..not sure if this is better suited for TOWERTALK or CQ-CONTEST, but
since my interest is primarily contesting, I'll post here first.


Wife and I are looking at waterfront properties in VE1/9/VY2/VO1/2.  Ideally
I would like to locate my antennas inland (in the trees)

a little ways to (hopefully?) minimize salt water corrosion and/or
'potential' problems from neighbours.


If I was to locate a yagi up 40' of tower, (or say a Butternut vertical 10'
agl) or even a 6m yagi on a short tower inland does it matter?


Let's say the rocky land itself was 20' ASL and 400-500' away from shore, is
there any benefit seen in being "close" to salt water or is all the benefit
(whatever that may be) seen only if the salt water is nearly underneath the


Thanks much, 


Mike VE9AA


Mike, Coreen & Corey

Keswick Ridge, NB


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