[CQ-Contest] WHY - and other observed behavior

Pete Smith N4ZR n4zr at contesting.com
Wed Nov 27 06:16:00 EST 2013

There may be one exception, Al, and that is backscatter with multipath.  
I find that normal speeds (>30 wpm) can be counterproductive when the 
code element spacing approximates the length of the echo.  Slowing down 
is the only solution I've found that works.

73, Pete N4ZR
Check out the Reverse Beacon Network at
blog at reversebeacon.blogspot.com.
For spots, please go to your favorite
ARC V6 or VE7CC DX cluster node.

On 11/26/2013 10:49 AM, Alan Dewey wrote:
> I agree.  It is really frustrating to me when guys think that slowing way down will make it easier for the station at the other end to copy you.  Yes - maybe slow down to the speed of the station your are answering but don't slow down too much.
> In SS, it drives me crazy when QRP stations think they need to send real slow.  It spreads the sending of their call sign over a longer period of time making it much more possible that a burst of QRM or QRN will take out a letter or two.  Not to mention that the risk of you losing your run frequency increases while a hard to hear station is slowly sending their exchange.
> 73,
> Al, K0AD
> A running station should not be sending faster than their copying ability,
> owever I agree slowing down (a little) is still good advice to get your
> allsign copied correctly.  Just don't slow down too much. I have had
> tations send super slow when I missed part of their callsign and it
> eally throws me off.
> John KK9A  P40A
> -----Original Message-----
> From: john <john at kk9a.com>
> To: cq-contest <cq-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tue, Nov 26, 2013 8:19 am
> Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] WHY - and other observed behavior
> A running station should not be sending faster than their copying ability,
> owever I agree slowing down (a little) is still good advice to get your
> allsign copied correctly.  Just don't slow down too much. I have had
> tations send super slow when I missed part of their callsign and it
> eally throws me off.
> John KK9A  P40A
> o:	cq-contest at contesting.com
> ubject:	 [CQ-Contest] WHY - and other observed behavior
> rom:	kr2q at optimum.net
> ate:	 Mon, 25 Nov 2013 19:14:54 +0000 (GMT)
> snip]
> f they guy you're calling is not getting your call, SLOW DOWN.  I heard many
> f the USA
> /M's dumping it in.  The DX came back with their partial or busted call.
> he
> S guys seem
> o forget that CW has a speed control.  What a waste of time.  If the DX
> an't
> opy 40 wpm,
> o you think sending your call 3x, 4x, or 5x is going to teach him how to
> opy
> aster?
> Even worse, not uncommonly, the DX never got the caller's callsign correct.
> ut the caller,
> nowing how the CQWW log analysis system works (busted calls have no
> mpact on
> he caller,
> ut rather only on the logger), simply moves off, knowing full well that
> heir
> all was busted
> n the other guys log.  The M/M gets credit while the poor DX he works gets
> inged.  SHAME!
> For goodness sake, just SLOW DOWN so the DX can copy you.  It takes more time
> o do it
> he wrong way and end up with one party getting dinged for a busted call.
> each your
> p's how to QRS on cw.  Honestly, QRSing to 25 wpm is just NOT THAT SLOW!  Do
> he right
> hing!
> de Doug KR2Q
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