[CQ-Contest] Reminder - 80th ARRL November Sweepstakes Webinar

Ken Claerbout k4zw at verizon.net
Sun Oct 20 06:39:20 EDT 2013

While I'm sure many are getting ready for CQWW SSB next weekend, right on 
the heels is the 80th running of the ARRL Sweepstakes.  The World Wide Radio 
Operators Foundation (WWROF) is please to present ARRL Contest Branch 
Manager Mike DeChristopher, N1TA.  Mike will give us a brief history of this 
storied event, a quick rules review (always a good thing if you plan to 
participate), a look at special awards for the 80th anniversary, and some 
tips & tricks from the pros.  The beauty is you can watch from the comfort 
of your shack or your easy chair if you have a laptop or portable device.  A 
Q&A session will follow the presentation.

Date:  Tuesday, October 22
Time:  9 PM EDT
Registration:  https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/752799242

Ken K4ZW

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