[CQ-Contest] WRTC renamed?

Yuri ve3dz at rigexpert.net
Sun Oct 20 07:13:31 EDT 2013

Strange to read all these complaints about the selection rules _AFTER_ the 
actual selection is done, but not before.
We personally had some comments that we presented to the committee before 
the rules were published, but when the rules are created, then - the rules 
are the rules.
We may like them or not (especially, of course, if it concerns _US_), but I 
guess we are always preaching on this reflector to follow the rules.


Congratulations to Alex, KU1CW for his fair win of the W0 spot to his first 
ever WRTC! I remeber hearing Alex operating in some of the DX Contests and 
putting in some great great efforts, even beating East Coast guys.
Don't remember many other W0's doing the same...
The win is well deserved!
Also, I personally have no problems with him picking a good skilled team 
mate, all in compliance of the rules.
Great job!

73 Yuri  VE3DZ
(going to my WRTC # 6)

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