[CQ-Contest] NILs hurt

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Wed Sep 4 13:44:43 EDT 2013

Yeah butt...

He was running "assisted"... using the cluster, a database, or worked 
you on another band. He already knew your information and he didn't need 
to waste time listening for it again.  :-)

But then, he DID have time to waste by sending you QSO B4 several times 

Go figure!

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 9/4/2013 11:29 AM, Jim Preston wrote:
> Jukka,
> That doesn't always work. In a recent contest, a running station 
> confirmed my exchange. However, I hadn't sent an exchange yet. He then 
> went on to work another station. Since I hadn't sent my exchange, we 
> didn't have a valid QSO. I called him back and got B4. I tried calling 
> him later and got B4. Since we didn't have a good QSO, he didn't get 
> in my log.
> 73,
> Jim N6VH
> On 9/4/2013 3:29 AM, Jukka Klemola wrote:
>> How come so many suggest stopping there, removing the QSO and then 
>> tuning
>> for the next frequency?
>> I was expecting someone or anyone suggesting calling again the 
>> station that
>> is on thr frequency and is not in your log.
>> Why go and try to find a next frequency as you already are on a 
>> frequency
>> of a station that you do not have in your log?
>> Finalise the QSO ..
>> That will yield you more QSOs at the end of the contest.
>> It also produces a bigger score.
>> 73,
>> Jukka OH6LI
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