[CQ-Contest] Ash 3V8BB/KF5EYY visiting Warrington/Liverpool/Manchester, UK

Ashraf Chaabane ash.kf5eyy at gmail.com
Mon Sep 9 11:38:04 EDT 2013

Hi folks,

I will be visiting Warrington, UK from September 14th to 21st insh'allah. I
will be staying in Daresbury Park Hotel. I intend to visit Liverpool and
Manchester as well.

I will very glad to meet ham radio and contest friends from the area and -
if possible - activate a station for an hour or so.

If anyone interested, please drop me an email to: ash.kf5eyy at gmail.com

 - Op. 3V8SS, 3V8BB
Phone/SMS: (+216) 22670026
Skype: kf5eyy

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