[CQ-Contest] Contesting is a Game

Zack Widup w9sz.zack at gmail.com
Fri Sep 13 09:24:35 EDT 2013

If I work someone, I log them. If I don't want them in my log or if I
don't want to be in their log, I don't work them.

The only instance where I've worked people and not kept them in my
submitted log is when USA stations call me in the ARRL DX contest and
won't go away. To me this seems to be prevalent mostly on Sunday
morning of the SSB contest, for some reason. But if they get to be too
bothersome, I go ahead and work them, log them (they most likely are
going to ask for QSL cards, too) and remove them from the final log I
submit because they don't count. Maybe in these days of computer log
review, it doesn't matter whether I take them out or not.

73, Zack W9SZ

On 9/13/13, Randy Thompson K5ZD <k5zd at charter.net> wrote:
> I would not advocate any form of civil disobedience or attempt to
> retaliate.
> The best thing everyone can do is to follow the rules.  When you see
> someone
> breaking the rules, say something.  First, communicate directly to them in
> private. If that does not work, talk about it with others locally and see
> if
> you can apply peer pressure. As a last resort, or if the cheating is
> impacting the results, send a note to the contest sponsor.
> The contest administrators do not have magical powers.  The only way to
> know
> there may be a problem is if someone reports it.  Not every report will
> result in immediate action, but over time these tips can show where more
> attention is needed.
> Randy, K5ZD
> From: Tod Olson [mailto:tod at k0to.us]
> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 1:13 PM
> To: k5zd at charter.net; 'CQ-Contest MailList'
> Subject: Re: Contesting is a Game
> This is very well written and illustrates clearly why Randy, K5ZD, is a
> leader in our sport of amateur radio contesting.
> I can imagine only one way to 'retaliate' or protest. [ select the word of
> your choice] .  One can generate an 'NIL' in another  operator's log. Done
> cleverly, you can even come up with a strategy that will give you a
> multiplier, should you need it, and still create a problem for the
> 'cheating' station.
> However, doing such a thing deliberately does place you in the category of
> someone who is not operating ethically in the contest. I suppose if a large
> group of folks were to generate NIL's in one contest for one or a few
> stations and then revert to completely ethical operating for all future
> contests there might be an opportunity to make a point that would be
> visible
> to serious operators world wide.
> The casual operator probably would be oblivious to what had happened.
> Whether this would cause offenders to cease and desist is problematical ---
> I expect not. If you truly believe that "the rules do not apply to me" then
> there will be little reason to change behavior.
> This issue was present in amateur radio contesting before I edited the
> first
> issue of the NCJ in 1972. I suspect that 40 years from now it there will
> still be such scofflaws among our contesting brethren.
> Tod, K0TO
> On 9/12/13 6:05 AM, "Randy Thompson K5ZD" <k5zd at charter.net> wrote:
> Contesting is a game.  Games have rules. The rules create barriers or
> constraints that equalize the competition or create strategic choices. If
> we
> ignore the rules we don't like, the game is no longer meaningful.
> Those stations that run more than 1500W are cheating. Much the same way
> users of performance enhancing drugs in bicycle racing, Olympic sports,
> baseball, etc. are cheating.
> The temptation to cheat is strong.  "It doesn't hurt anyone." "It makes up
> for my poor location." "Everyone else is doing it." These are all
> justifications to make the cheater feel better. They do not make it right.
> The cheaters are hurting the contest. Their loud signals drive other
> contesters off the bands. Participants lose faith in the integrity of the
> game and decide not to play. New contesters see the cheaters make big
> scores
> and think that is the way to compete so the next generation learns to
> cheat.
> Power cheating happens all over the world. Temptation and lack of control
> is
> a human condition. In ham radio contesting it seems to happen much more in
> some places than others. These areas are so invested in cheating that they
> ask for the rules to be changed to make it OK.
> In the end, there are those that follow the rules.  We respect their
> integrity, their effort, and their achievements.  For the others, we see
> their scores, but we know they are dirty.  Maybe they are not disqualified
> (because there is not the oversight of professional sports), but we do not
> have to respect them.
> Fair play means following the rules.  All of them.
> Randy, K5ZD
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