W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Thu Apr 10 15:49:35 EDT 2014

I am with Al on this.  I would not be interested in running USA stations 
for only prefix mults.  This would just turn into CQ WW in Spring or 
operating the CQ 160 from the Caribbean where the US works US and VE and 
Europe works Europe and the Caribbean works the other 8 Caribbean 
stations and not much else.

As others have pointed out there is nothing stopping those from 
suggesting change to actually take historical data and attempt to create 
a more fair scoring system.  If you can build a better scoring system 
then lets see it and provide the data to back it up.

It is much easier to point out flaws than it is to propose suitable 
solutions.  I am not sure that there is any kind of consensus that the 
WPX is broke the way it is.

On 4/10/2014 9:04 AM, Alan Dewey wrote:
> A rule which gives Zero points for in country QSOs would be a real disincentive for me to operate WPX.  I hope the committee does not do this.
> One of the things I really like about WPX is that it is a good compromise between a DX Contest and a Domestic contest.  If you have a good location, great antennas, or a are running an amplifier - it probably does not matter as much.  You can point your antennas towards EU or where ever and run.
> But , if you are running 100 watts and have average antennas, and are located in a less propagationally favored area - it is nice  to be able to work some guys for credit when the propagation is not favoring you on the high bands.  If you can somehow come up with a call with a rare prefix (even if still located in W/VE) - so much the better.
> If WPX goes back to zero points for in country QSO, this basically becomes another DX contest.  The guys in the black whole with 100 watts or low antennas go back to the end of the line.
> As many have pointed out, a universally fair scoring system is next to impossible.  In contests like this, I am much more concerned about how I do compared to others in my geographical area and category.
> 73,
> Al, K0AD

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