[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party - Saturday!

Ken Low kenke3x at gmail.com
Tue Aug 19 12:35:29 EDT 2014

K8MR wrote:

"The 2014 state QSO party fall season kicks  off this weekend with the Ohio 
QSO Party, on Saturday from 1600Z to 0400ZSunday  (noon to midnight EDT)."

Hi Jim - 

"Kicks off"???   Maryland DC QSO Party was 9 days ago, also in August.     I guess that doesn't count, since we don't have enough mobiles to be a 'real' QSO Party?

Like Rodney Dangerfield likes to say ... "Hey - I don't get no respect.    I went to a Chinese restaurant once - I opened my fortune cookie and inside was the guy's check next to me.   Oooof!   I said 'Hey Buddy, I got your check!'  He said "Thanks!""

Ken KE3X :-)

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