[CQ-Contest] antenna setup question

Timon Kruijer Pa1t at xs4all.nl
Sun Aug 24 17:25:36 EDT 2014

Hello fellow contesters.


I have an antenna setup question.


This year (and the next) I am building a new HF station. Next to the house I
will have four rotary towers standing in a square which are 40 meters apart.
The towers are rotatable and are 25m (83 feet) high from the ground.  Every
tower will also have a rotor in the top with a 2 meter mast so in total 27
meters (90 feet). The towers have rings on 24 meters and on 11 meters (not
fixed yet) as they are still lying on the ground.

To rotate and calculate the directions for each tower and the top antenna I
use Microham Station Master de Luxe.

My goal is to have a competitive contest station for SO2R, Multi Singe and
Multi-2 use.

What would be a good suggestion for the antennas in the four towers? 

The terrain is flat.


The antennas I have available at the moment are:

-              2 el Force 12   40 meters

-              4 el Steppir     10-15-20 meters

-              Optibeam       10 15 20 meters

-              Force 12 c31xr    10 15 20 meters

My idea so far is to use these 4 antennas for multipliers etc.

I would like to have additional 2 antenna stacks for 20, 15, and 10 meters
(which I have to build).


A possible setup could be:


Rotatable Tower 1

top rotatable,  Steppir

bolted at the tower 20 meter yagi

bolted at the tower 20 meter yagi


Rotatable Tower 2

top rotatable, c31xr

bolted at the tower    15 meter yagi

bolted at the tower    15 meter yagi


Rotatable Tower 3

top rotatable, 2el 40m

bolted at the tower    10 meter yagi

bolted at the tower    10 meter yagi


Rotatable Tower 4

top rotatable, 3 el 40m 

bolted at the tower     optibeam 10 15 20M

bolted at the tower     3 el 40m


Or setup 1 multiplier tower and use the others for 10 to 40 meters. Which
band to have a double set antennas when this would be a solution?

For 40 and 80 meters I will have additional 4 squares behind these towers.
Also possible would be to have wire 4 squares hanging on ropes between the
towers (between the top rings on 24 meters). 

For 160 meters the towers can be a 4 square by itself (they are isolated).
Also the ropes could be again for a 160 meter antenna.


Suggestions and comments are very welcome. Please your ideas. 


'73 Timon 



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