[CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Gediminas Lučinskas LY3BA at takas.lt
Tue Dec 16 16:42:23 EST 2014


It was explained in FAQ http://www.wrtc2018.de/en/qualifying earlier:
Q: Why are Assisted, Non-Assisted, Single Band and Single Mode in the same
A: The main reason is to simplify the rules and to promote the competition
by concentrating operators in only few categories. We do not intend to rate
down the skills known from the good old times, nor do we plan to include the
use of the DX-Cluster in the WRTC2018. Meanwhile using assisted technologies
has become a facet of contesting. A contester these days should also be able
to use them wisely.
Very innocent "to simplify the rules"...  Why not to go further and simplify
the rules even more, just to point finger to some 50 persons and tell them -
you are selectesd.
The normal unassisted contesting would not be killed for the next two years
at least.

73! Gedas LY9A

-----Original Message-----
From: CQ-Contest [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: 2014 m. gruodžio 16 d. 23:03
To: cq-contest at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Hello Chris,

This is clear now. Thank you very much.

So nobody who would like to qualify for WRTC will not operate unassisted in
next two years, as it is senseless.

Chris, it will be very kind if you can  explain reasons why you decide to
put unassisted and assisted in the same "basket"?

At the end, may I conclude that further discussion is senseless as you are
not going to change existing rules? Maybe I am lonely? If do, not a big deal


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