[CQ-Contest] Need clarification from DL1MGB

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Wed Dec 17 12:45:08 EST 2014

The underlying notion of WRTC is to gather together on a "level playing field" the very best contesters from a "not level" source universe which contains a widely diverse spectrum of modes and styles (assisted/not-assisted, QRP/LP/HP, SO/MM/M1/M1/M2,SSB/CW/RTTY, etc, etc).

Everyone from that "not level" universe has a chance to qualify for an invitation to play.  Probably not an equal chance, but a chance nonetheless.

Along comes the suggestion below that the ONLY route to qualification be a single prescribed level path of SOAB(A) HP.  

So now, rather than a broadly diverse universe of candidates, we would have a much diminished field of candidates who will play in a contest category completely different from the single source category in which they excelled to qualify.

As Cosby said --- "Riiiiiiight!!!!!!!!"

On Wednesday, Dec 17, 2014 at 09:29, Martin LU5DX <lu5dx at lucg.com.ar>, wrote:

Candidate WRTC ops should be forced to qualify in SOAB(A) HP.

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