[CQ-Contest] Let's ban "inband", too

Robert Chudek - K0RC k0rc at citlink.net
Sat Feb 8 01:03:04 EST 2014

Hah! I'm sorry Shelby, but I got a huge laugh out of this one... /"//No 
one, on this earth, has the power to control the time of any one!"/

You have never sat in the waiting room for the doctor??? It's the same 
principle but instead you're sitting in front of a radio.

73 de Bob - KØRC in MN

On 2/7/2014 3:34 PM, Shelby Summerville wrote:
> XV4Y (Yan) wrote: "They are BIG-GUNS and they have the power to 
> control the time, your time more precisely."
> No one, on this earth, has the power to control the time of any one! 
> There are some that have that objective, but unless YOU allow it, it's 
> just not possible!
> C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW
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