[CQ-Contest] That was FUN!!!

Dale Putnam daleputnam at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 16 19:23:06 EST 2014

I even took my bride out to dinner last night.. and she supported me the rest of the contest!!  Maybe I should plan that a whole lot more.... 
The bands were amazing.. or the antenna is working better than I anticipated... can't decide.. is it better or is it conditions.??
I couldn't find a pileup that I couldn't get through.. usually with the first or second call until about noon today.. then the piles gottuff to get through.. and I couldn't get a run to work out at all.. this afternoon.. yesterday.. oh yeah.. now that was a kick.. had runs:
ARRL DX CW - 2014-02-15 0000Z to 2014-02-17 0000Z - 308 QSOsWC7S Runs >10 QSOs:
2014-02-15 1539 - 1641Z,   21000 kHz, 43 Qs, 41.4/hr WC7S2014-02-15 1656 - 1739Z,   28000 kHz, 53 Qs, 74.0/hr WC7S2014-02-15 1815 - 1859Z,   21000 kHz, 18 Qs, 24.4/hr WC7S2014-02-15 1920 - 2103Z,   14025 kHz, 12 Qs, 7.0/hr WC7S2014-02-16 0338 - 0738Z,    7047 kHz, 14 Qs, 3.5/hr WC7S2014-02-16 1443 - 1528Z,   21000 kHz, 24 Qs, 31.9/hr WC7S2014-02-16 1642 - 1809Z,   28000 kHz, 24 Qs, 16.6/hr WC7S2014-02-16 1813 - 1848Z,   21000 kHz, 11 Qs, 19.0/hr WC7S2014-02-16 2310 - 2331Z,   21000 kHz, 12 Qs, 33.8/hr WC7S

and the band breakdown looks like this:3.5           3             3             7             20            20            14            51            51            21            119           119           28            104           104           Total         297           297           

so.. the best bands were 10 and 15.. nothing on 160.. rats.. and not a lot on 80.. but then.. I did sleep.. most of those good times away..
the whole purpose of putting this all up for you ... is to get comparisons or comments as to the antenna.. is it working or was it conditions.. ?? I don't have a compare antenna  and that is why the question.. Thank you.. 
oh.. the total??  308 total Qs take out the dupes for 299 and 133 mults... score is 118,104  a personal best in total Qs and score for this test. 

Have a great day, 
--...   ...--
Dale - WC7S in Wy

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