Tim Shoppa tshoppa at gmail.com
Mon Feb 17 12:09:04 EST 2014

Well we can't have it both ways can we? Either the stations are not ID'ing
enough of they are ID'ing too much :-)

Often when doing S&P assisted trying to pump up the rate by being
ADHD-inclined... I get a little twitchy on the F4 button.

TEST DE ZZ0ZZ [I start sending N3QE but then he starts up again so go for
the escape key] Z0ZZ [I start sending N3QE but then he starts up again so
go for the escape key] EST [I finally send N3QE].

I had 2000+ QSO's this past weekend, the majority were S&P, so the cycle
above happened hundreds of times :-)

Tim N3QE

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