[CQ-Contest] OZ/K3ZJ in CQWW160 SSB

David Siddall hhamwv at gmail.com
Thu Feb 20 11:59:32 EST 2014

CQWW160 SSB starts tomorrow, and with help from some kind friends at
Denmark's Bangsbo Museum, I will be active from an old WWII German defense
bunker overlooking Frederikshavn Harbor in the very north of Denmark.  I am
on the east coast of North Jutland facing Norway and Sweden, and expect to
work many of you in EU.  NA signals peak 0500-0630 (sunrise in OZ) and I
hope also to work some of you W's & VE's then, if not before -- assuming
that any remaining ghosts of soldiers past do not run me out.
The view from the bunkers and a short historical note are at:

73, Dave OZ/K3ZJ

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