[CQ-Contest] Cheating (couldn't copy original- message bounced)

Scott Monks scottmonks at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 12 22:31:00 EST 2014

Sent from Scott's iPad

> On Jan 12, 2014, at 7:44 PM, Steve London <n2icarrl at gmail.com> wrote:
> =20
> Let's be a little more careful about the word "cheaters" and the NAQP. A n=
umber of times, I had 3-4 stations calling simultaneously, all exactly zero-=
beat to each other. That is a "signature" of clicking on a spot. None of the=
se callers were what I would characterize as top-tier, or even top-50 NAQP c=
ompetitors. They were simply folks getting on the air in a fun contest for a=
few hours. They probably think that every contest has an assisted category.=

Hi all,

In a contest-crowded band I always use the spot function on my K3, even if I=
'm going to tune off a little with XIT.  I am hoping that this will give me t=
he best reception under bad conditions and with the dsp closed down.  This s=
hould put me zero-beat with my "prey".

We hear so much today about dishonest people in the media that it makes us s=
uspect everyone even before we have hard evidence.  That might be ok when th=
e NSA is checking airline passengers, but in an amateur radio event with a c=
ode of honor that is going too far (even if a few might not be honorable!). =

I was in the event just for fun--with only 59 contacts I'm not competitive, b=
ut I have fun!

73, Scott  XE1/AA0AA

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