[CQ-Contest] Remote at WRTC: Come to WRTC 2014 Boston, Operate IARU Radiosport from Vermont, Sweden, Brazil or upstate New York!
Gerry Hull
gerry at yccc.org
Tue Jun 24 21:00:44 EDT 2014
If you are among the many hundreds of visitors and volunteers that will be
coming to WRTC in Boston, would you like to participate during the
contest? Along with the WR1TC and local host stations, their will be
other operating opportunities for you, without having to leave the HQ
hotel. Thanks to the generosity of Doug Grant, WRTC2014 President, and
Dave Pascoe, KM3T, WRTC2014 Director, they have provided an operating
location and IT facilities for five competitive remote stations:
K2LE/1, Reedsboro, VT: Thanks to Andy, K2LE, you’ll have the opportunity
to operate an Elecraft K3, Alpha Autotune Amp, automatic band-switched
antennas, big yagis on 40-10m (4L on 40), with a delta-loop on 80. This
will be a Mixed-Mode Multi-Single with all operations done from WRTC HQ.
Logging will be done using the N1MM logger. This will be a casual
operating effort.
SK3W/SK9HQ, Knivsta, Sweden – Thanks to Gunnar, SM3SGP, Torgny, SM5TXT,
Lars, KE1J, along with the operating team at SK3W, you’ll be a virtual
operating position of the SK3W Mixed-Mode Multi-Single during the contest.
SK3W is also part of the virtual M/M HQ team of SK9HQ; The station will be
available for both operating as the HQ team (more serious) and SK3W
(casual). You can check out the SK3W station at
https://plus.google.com/communities/101471424502404810669. SK3W will be
using WinTest logging software.
PR1T, Rio de Jeneiro, Brazil – Thanks to Felipe, PY1NB, and Mike, SE2R, of
Microbit, Inc, and Ed Parish, K1EP, we will be able to offer a remote
operating position with the PR1T Mixed-Mode Multi-Single operation from
Brazil. This has come together very quickly. Felipe will be at
Friedrichshafen and
Mike and the team at Microbit have arranged to get RemoteRig gear to
Felipe.. (You’ll have an opportunity to see how easy and seemless
RemoteRig is to use, as all five of the remote operating positions at WRTC
will be using Microbit gear.)
Felipe’s station includes 7/7 on 10, 5/5 on 15, 4L/20, 2L Moxon/40, and an
80M Delta loop, with a Harris amp and Elecraft K3. You’ll be a virtual
operating team along with Felipe, PY1NB, Fabio, PY1ZV, and Francisco,
PY1GQ. They’ll be running N1MM logger and this will be a serious effort –
why not show them your chops?
Blueberry Hill, NY (Call TBD) If you've investigated Remote ham radio
operation, then I'm sure probably heard of www.RemoteHamRadio.com
<http://www.remotehamradio.com/> – the service and stations offered by Ray
Higgins, W2RE and Lee Imber, WW2DX. Though they are very busy with the
business, and also competitors in this year’s WRTC, they are kind enough to
not only let us use a very competitive station for the weekend, but they
will be providing the local remote control station for Boston as well.
Here’s your chance to check out their service in a competitive
environment. This will be a casual M/S with all contacts made from the
Boston remote. It will be using N1MM logging software.
N3AD, Bryn Mawr, PA. Alan is going to remote his station at home and do a
competitive single-op remotely from the WRTC HQ. He will entertain guest
operations before and after the contest. It will be interesting to see
how well he can do in a remote environment. Stop by and check it out.
We will be scheduling operating periods in 2-hour blocks. You can operate
at more than one station. Signup sheets for remote operation will be
on-site at the HQ hotel, however, If you have a particular operating
preference, casual/serious, CW/SSB, time of day, please forward your
request to me ahead of time and you will get top priority. All
correspondence should go to gerry at w1ve.com. Please indicate Name, call
sign, email, and phone-number and/or hotel location while in Boston.
The available times for the DX locations are still in flux; however, I do
have some information to share:
SK9HQ @ SK3W Schedule
1600-1800 15m
1800-2000 40/15m
2200-0000 40m
0200-0400 40/15m
0600-0800 15m
1200-1200 SK3W on 10,20,80,160m MultiOP HP casual style. 10m SSB from SK9HQ
has priority over SK3W.
Don’t forget your home country must have a reciprocal operating agreement
with the country you want to operate from.
As things firm up, I’ll be posting additional information.
Feel free to contact me using gerry at w1ve.com.
See you all in Boston!
73, Gerry W1VE
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