[CQ-Contest] Comments on CQWW Rules

Tom Osborne w7why at frontier.com
Tue Jun 24 20:59:08 EDT 2014

How about letting the software figure it out.

Enter all your information, antenna, power, HFTA info, etc, into the 
logging program and then have it all interfaced with some propagation 

You could then click on a skimmer spot, the computer would compute the 
probability that you could work this station, and if it is higher, than 
say, 80 percent probable you could, just go ahead and log it and look 
for another skimmer spot.

Sure would save a lot of frustration having to actually listen to 
stations to have to figure what their call is and wait for them to ID.  73


On 6/24/2014 9:55 AM, Barry wrote:
> I propose the term S & P be updated to our modern world.  It's time to 
> call it C & P  (click and pounce).  Does anyone really Search any more?
> Barry W2UP

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