[CQ-Contest] Verticals and radials????

Douglas Ruz co8dm at frcuba.co.cu
Sat May 3 11:19:10 EDT 2014


Let me give more information.

I am trying to build the antenna published in Sep/1981 QST. It is 44 ft high 
plus a capacitance hat.
It is 5/8 on 30m, 1/2 on 40m, 1/4 on 80m and 1/8 on 160m (the vertical 

In my case, IT IS NOT on ground. My backyard is about 15 by 15  ft, so i 
decide install the antenna in top of mast about 15 ft high, so, radials are 
elevated and running over the roof but only till 60 ft, so for 160m i need 
do "something" to get match.

I think i must install independent radials for each band to get resonance 
cause i am using elevated resonant radials.

Dave, K3ZJ and Bob WP2XX now you have more information.

Thanks in advance

73...Doug, CO8DM - Member of T48K Team
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Siddall" <hhamwv at gmail.com>
To: "CQ-Contest" <cq-contest at contesting.com>; "Douglas Ruz" 
<co8dm at frcuba.co.cu>
Sent: Saturday, May 03, 2014 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Verticals and radials????

If laid on or under ground, as many as possible and lengths don't matter. 
If elevated, need to be resonant, but assume this is not your case.

For excellent info on radials, see:

73, Dave K3ZJ

> On May 3, 2014, at 9:55 AM, Mirko S57AD <miroslav.sibilja at amis.net> wrote:
> Don't worry about quarterwave radials. Just put as many short ones as you
> can afford!
> 73,  Mirko, S57AD
> 2014-05-03 5:04 GMT+02:00 Douglas Ruz <co8dm at frcuba.co.cu>:
>> Hi,
>> I am building a vertical antenna for low bands, 160, 80, 40 and 30m.
>> Unfortunately my property is small, so, i can not install quarter wave
>> radials for 160m. 60ft is maximun length.
>> If somebody has experience or some information about short radials 
>> systems
>> or some article published please let me know.
>> Thanks !!!
>> 73...Doug, CO8DM - Member of T48K Team
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