[CQ-Contest] Work special event station K3R over the Dayton weekend...

Gerry Hull gerry at w1ve.com
Sun May 11 08:27:01 EDT 2014

On our drive from New England out to the Dayton Hamvention, Jim, K1IR, and
I will be operating HF Remote, using my new Elecraft K3/0 Mini, a
front-panel head that controls the K3 radio. We'll be connected over
Cellular 4G to Andy, K2LE's
​ ​
​station ​
in Reedsboro, Vermont.

At the Hamvention, we will also have the remote set up at K1EP's flea
market spot, 1322-1323-1324. Come by and see it in action.  If time
permits, we may do some operation from the Crowne Plaza.
​ (as if their is not enough to do in Dayton!)​

The theme of Dayton is "Ham Radio of the Future". Remote operation is
exploding and is becoming a big part of
 hobby. Look for us on the HF Bands using the special event call sign K3R
"K3 Remote".
QSLs will be via
 eQSL and LOTW.

73 & cu in Dayton,​

Gerry Hull, W1VE   | Nelson, NH USA | +1-617-CW-SPARK
<http://www.yccc.org> <http://www.yccc.org/>
<http://www.facebook.com/gerryhull>  <https://plus.google.com/+GerryHull/posts>

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