[CQ-Contest] A comment from SS

Ken Low kenke3x at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 10:29:59 EST 2014

K3TN wrote:

"That's definitely the PVRC effect at work - since MD is something like only the 16th most populous state and ranks 25th in licensed hams. Very high percentage of those licensed hams getting on in SS to maintain the winning streak.

Maryland probably ranks number in number of leaves left unraked on the lawn until after November - actually, when you look at PVRC scores in CQ WW CW, maybe that is when everyone is raking the lawns..."

Ha!   No joke - I missed all the local DC government leaf collections last year for exactly that reason, and the 4-foot tall leaf pile sat in front of my house all winter.

So this year I paid my teenagers $20 an hour to do the family leaf raking.   They are licensed General ops but go figure - money was more important to them than making Sweepstakes QSO's!   What's up with that?   Clearly I have not taught them proper values ...

Ken KE3X

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