[CQ-Contest] Logging question

Jukka Klemola jpklemola at gmail.com
Tue Aug 4 14:52:06 EDT 2015

My QSO confirmation priority is LoTW.
I do not really know what the 2by3 call sign's information source was.
I think his information source is his own log.

My view is all QSOs are equal.
QSO either was or was not.
In case log shows something else than what happened over the air, the log
is the final record of the contact .. if the record of the contact has an
error, the QSO has an error.
Then a confimation (QSL) can not be granted.

I am very happy nobody has suggested to think changing the contest log
based on an email discussion would be an approved procedure.

Jukka OH6LI

2015-08-04 19:13 GMT+03:00 Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc at citlink.net>:

> How does he know you worked him those two times and you got his call
> wrong? Your OH6LI call sign is not registered on eQSL. Maybe you were using
> a contest call that is registered on eQSL?
> Otherwise, I don't see how he could state that you logged his call sign
> wrong. LoTW will not show your log entries to anyone but you (or an ARRL
> LoTW administrator).
> IF my log showed a QSO with a station with a very similar call sign at the
> time, band, and mode purported, personally I would update my entry in LoTW,
> but not my contest log. I would consider it a human error on one end or the
> other. Maybe he had programmed his function keys with the wrong call sign
> and didn't catch this right away? Lame operating on his part!
> All that said, if I received a response like you mentioned after the first
> email exchange, I'd tend to let him "go pound sand" as someone else stated!
> 73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 8/3/2015 5:12 PM, Jukka Klemola wrote:
>> Fellow contesters,
>> I got a request over email to change two of my recent logs.
>> There was a 2by3 call sign asking me to change my log so he would get my
>> LoTW confirmation for two QSOs.
>> A third QSO was OK in our logs and 2by3 call was happy about that.
>> My response was the QSOs happen over the air on the radio.
>> Not on internet on email over internet, not at all after the contest.
>> The 2by3 call was devastated that I had insulted him that I interprete he
>> would try to make a QSO on the email. All he was asking me was to change
>> my
>> log .. on email and that happens now, some months after the contest.
>> The 2by3 call was calling me by some names and was insulting.
>> Can anyone tell me if I did anything right in my communication over email
>> to the 2by3 callsign that the contest is over and my log will stay as it
>> was logged when the contest was happening ?
>> Or is there a possibility I did the right thing?
>> I would have been happy to log him correctly, if he had corrected his call
>> to me ..
>> 73,
>> Jukka OH6LI
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