[CQ-Contest] Ohio QSO Party Updates

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Aug 19 09:37:56 EDT 2015

This Saturday, August 22, is the Ohio QSO Party, 1600z to 0400z Sunday. (Noon to midnight EDT).

Note that there are several rule changes this year. The major one is that we have replaced the serial number with a signal report. This will make things easier for mobiles, and well as make the OhQP exchange compatible with other concurrent contests.

While the major logging software providers have made the update, if you haven't or can't upgrade, don't hesitate to participate. Just log everything received as number 59 or 599 or whatever. Don't worry about your log's sent serial number. Just get on and have fun!

Two other minor changes: The power level for QRP has been changed to 5 watts, regardless of mode; and the use of skimmer spots is now OK for single operators. (Normal cluster spotting for single ops has been allowed for several years).

Quick start guide: 80-10 meters, CW and phone (no digital),. Exchange signal report and QTH (SPC, or "DX" for those outside W/VE). Multipliers count by mode (88 x 2 =176 possible from outside Ohio).

Lots of awards, including plaques for out of state High Power, Low Power, QRP, DX, and Mountain/Pacific time zones.

Full rules and information at   www.ohqp.org

This year there are five full weekends in August, and the last weekend is not Labor Day weekend. Thanks to Bob, W0BH, and the Kansas QSO Party crew, with whom we normally share a weekend, for taking the fifth weekend, leaving a pretty uncluttered fourth weekend for the OhQP. I hope to hear and work lots of you on Saturday!

73  -  Jim  K8MR
OhQP Chairman

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