[CQ-Contest] CR3L Should Reconsider Submission Category

W0MU w0mu at w0mu.com
Tue Dec 8 23:54:21 EST 2015

I run One Alpha in Field day all the time from home.  That was when I 
still had an Alpha Amp.

I guess that was unethical.  I of course never submitted a log and it is 
not a contest, cough cough.

With all the problems in the world do we really need to create new ones 
where one never existed?

To KU8E, who gets to define what it unethical?  Your definition could be 
different than mine or someone else.  Category hopping has been around a 
long time.  Like I said it is just easier to see when 3830 is used.

We still have no "proof" of what was done and why.  To my USA friends 
have you ever heard the phrase innocent until proven guilty?   So much 
blame and heartache over pure speculation and rumor?  Can we put the 
rope away now?


PS I thought we did this for fun?

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