Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Fri Dec 11 13:04:36 EST 2015

Hi Trent,

I am working on a project to do this.

It is a universal antenna controller for Windows.

It will have drivers for many of the IP-based boards, as well as
serial-based relay boards.

I'll have plug-in drivers, and I'll be open-sourcing the project so others
can contribute.

It will listen to N1MM UDP broadcasts and act as a Band Decoder.

You will be able to configure the look of the UI to look like a 4-Square,
Stack, 1-of-N, etc.

It'll work with many of the commercial 1-of-N switches.

I'm doing this for our VY1AAA station, so it has some priority.

Anyone who is interested in contributing, let me know.  It's C#, but VB.Net
is fine as well.

73, Gerry W1VE

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 6:19 PM, Trent Sampson <vk4ts at outlook.com> wrote:

> Having noticed a new change of tack by manufacturers to IP based antenna
> selection and a plethora of IP/ Relay driven devices reasonably priced on
> Ebay -
> Has anyone had any success using these items (EBAY) to control the likes
> of Six Packs or switched bandpass filters - and integrating with N1MM or
> the like ?
> Regards
> TrentVK4TS PO Box 275 Mooloolaba 4557 0408497550
> Please note I no longer use the WIA email address where possible owing to
> it blocking emails from sites such as VK Logger and ARRL.
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