[CQ-Contest] Latency

Bill Parry bparry at rgv.rr.com
Sun Dec 20 11:38:45 EST 2015

Even with the limited time that I spent in the CQWW and 10 Meter contest I
noticed something that I haven't seen before.  During a run I would be
answered by a station. I would respond with the exchange, stand by and
NOTHING! I waited for a reasonable length of time and re-sent the exchange
again. Since I use full break-in I noticed about half way through the other
station would send the exchange...of course I missed part of it and to ask
for a fill.  I have run into this before but never to the extent that I did
in these two contests. Really screws up the timing in the pileup.

I am wondering if we just have more neophytes in the contests now or if it
could possibly be stations that are operating remotely and the latency of
their station is causing it. I am not a speed demon and usually operate
around 30 wpm and I am pretty forgiving of beginners. Just wondering if
anyone else noticed this and if so what the cause might be?

Bill W5VX

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