[CQ-Contest] The Chosen

Gerry Hull gerry at yccc.org
Mon Dec 21 17:26:58 EST 2015

FB Hans!

I had about given up on CQ-Contest.  Your post is quite refreshing and
speaks the truth.

It's not as bad as all that, but close.

If we piss off all the new guys, guess what?  There will be no one left to
work.  The top 200 guys in contesting can all work each other in the first
hour.  How does that sound?

Not so great, eh?

Luckily, we have WWROF, CQ, ARRL, FRC, PVRC, YCCC and a bunch of magical
clubs in Europe and Asia doing amazing things to educate newbies about the
finer aspects of Amateur Radio contesting.   This, hopefully, will
counterbalance the piss-n-moan crowd on here and on the air.

This weekend, on 75m I listened to a heckler bash VE6RAC with foul language
and interference during RAC.  Certainly, we have those jerks in ham radio.
However, I was very proud of the VE6RAC op.  He handled himself with
professionalism, and stood his ground.   The jerk eventually got tired and

For my personal choices, I do CW contesting the most, where I run into a
LOT of good ops.  My room mate when I got out of college was a commercial
station operator, and many times I visited him at work.  What awful ops
many of the marine guys were!   30-45wpm CW in CQWW is awesome.  Rapid fire
exchanges and high rates.  In-n-out. Newbies to CW learn the ropes.   CW is
still rocking in the ham bands and will forever.

Do I eschew phone contesting?  Not a chance!   There's no thrill like
high-rate phone contesting!   To get those rates, you need a symbiotic
audience who understands how to do rapid-fire QSOs.  Yep, you are going to
run into those "Please copy" folks.  However, most of them are intelligent,
and, if they listen to your 200+ hour run, they will come to understand
that contesting is a minimal-information activity.

On the internet, I'm on the Facebook Ham Radio forum.  I try to help new
DXers and Contesters understand the game.  I told some newbie DXers that
LISTENING is the primary way you are going to work a DXpedition.  It only
takesa few transmission at the right time to work a new one!  These kinds
of tips help us by helping them.

In my 40+ years of hamming, I've never met a bunch of more intelligent,
interesting people than in the contesting community.   Pretty opinionated,
but that's part of the game.

Seasons Greetings, all.   See ya in the next one.

73, Gerry W1VE / VE1RM
Happily remoting from VY1AAA and K2LE/1 these days

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 10:59 AM, HH Brakob <hbrakob at gmail.com> wrote:

> Please Copy
> The Wise Ones live in the depths of the D, E, and F-Layers, and in the
> servers at Contesting.com. They are the descendants of the Gods. I
> personally subscribe to the theory they are the children of Thor
> Heyerdahl, the Viking god of Thunder and Balsawood Raft Dxpeditions. But
> that's another story.
> The Wise Ones criticize everything that happens on the air and on this
> list, but they can't police every pileup or every reflector by themselves,
> so every morning, just before daylight over Katmandu, the Wise Ones select
> the "Mostest Intellegentest Contesters" in their layer and convey upon him
> the
> title INFLICTOR OF HIGHER MORAL HARANGUES. This title and its duties last
> until the following dawn on Bouvet, if someone is there to observe the
> sunrise. Otherwise your duties end when Riley Hollingsworth gets tired of
> your crap and sends his lawyers with a gag order.
> If you are ever chosen you will know because a representative of the Wise
> Ones will anoint your temples with oil from a forty year old bottle of Dr.
> Guano, collected on Ocean Island by VR1L in 1963. For that day you will be
> known as The Chosen. Your duties will be to seek out those that don't do
> things the way you do them (in other words, the right way.) When you find
> them, it will be your duty to correct them.
> Think about it...too wide, too weak, too slow, too fast, what's your call
> dammit, wrong VFO, rotten fist, poor pileup control, wrong band, wrong
> zone, do not "please copy", wrong lingo, not enough green stamps,
> you're in the DX window, no-coders not allowed, coders suck, .... They're
> all yours.
> When you find these wayward ones, you will lumber onto their frequency,
> oronto their reflector thread, stand up in your operating chair and shout,
> I
> You will now have the wayward one's undivided attention. He will
> think about this very briefly, then yield to your superior intellect and
> contesting
> skill. He will be very receptive to your thoughts and point of view.
> Lecture him and proceed to the next wrongdoer.
> Now for the sad part of this tale. There are pretenders and charlatans out
> there who try to usurp the rightful powers of The Chosen. To you
> villainous few, I say beware. The Wise Ones also created BAWA (Baddest Ass
> Whats Around). No matter how bad you are, BAWA has the ability to be
> badder. You will know when you start your lecture and Bawa yells back,
> "You're a jerk, but I'm a bigger one. LET'S ESCALATE".
> And you will have no choice.
> But soon BAWA will tire of you and sink your little balsa boat. As you slip
> under the surface you will yell, "BUT I WAS RIGHT, DAMMIT" and you will
> once again prove the ancient mariners axiom -- AN OPEN MOUTH TAKES
> dit dit
> de Hans, K0HB
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