[CQ-Contest] NAQP Names

Radio K0HB kzerohb at gmail.com
Tue Jan 20 22:09:42 EST 2015

Among my heroes in Amateur Radio are SK Radiomen like Luis Garrido (KG6AIG), Hal Newell (WA0KDI), Dave Ranney (KT0R), Marshall Moran (9N1MM), and Thelma McKenzie (KC6CK).

Your jeremiad has motivated me to honor them by adopting their names in future runs of NAQP.  As a bonus it will help confound those who lean too heavily on the prefill crutch.

73, de Hans, K0HB

On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 11:09 AM, Charles Gerarden <cgerarden at atomix.com>

> I may play around in the NAQP SSB contest just to check antennas, but I 
> will still follow the NAQP rules as written
> and use my name or accepted nickname that others know me by.
> While I don't have a problem with using actual names of SK hams to honor 
> their passing, It seems some
> people think it is OK to select names, that are in fact not names, in 
> order to make a statement,
> political or otherwise. If these attention grabbers really want to 
> impress us, how about keeping your butt
> in the chair and putting in a big score?
> As an alternative to using names of hams we wish to remember, how about 
> forming teams using the hams
> name or call sign. This way the results get printed as part of the 
> permanent record in NCJ. What better way
> to remind us of the SK when perusing old contest results. Nobody is 
> going to remember the name/callsign
> that  was used in past contests, but we can see it as part of the past 
> contest team record. An example is:
> AI6V Memorial Team 1, K9MUG memorial team.
> Chuck
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