[CQ-Contest] NX5M Now QRT

Bob Pack bob.nx5m at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 00:11:39 EST 2015

Hello all,
I am not subscribed to the list but I just wanted to let everyone know that I am in the process of tearing down the NX5M station here in Texas.  It has been fun and successful for many years but I have come to a point in my life where I have just decided to get out of the headaches that go along with maintaining a multi-tower station.  I am also going to focus more on my family and other interests.  Over the past couple of years the number of contests I, or my team and I, have seriously operated in has come down to nothing more than the NAQP's, ARRL 160 and ARRL 10m contests.  The last two contests, ARRL 10 and NAQP SSB, were the closing of the station life and we had the high claimed score in both (domestically) so the station has ended with a bang.
I will still be on the air from time to time from a small 100w station and I will also probably be a part of other stations/operating teams as time permits.
I feel a great deal of sadness over this but I have to put that behind me and move on.
I am selling everything so look for postings on the NX5M Facebook page as well as QTH.COM over the coming weeks.
Already posted to QTH.COM are two of my Alpha 89 amps.

I want to thank the many contest participants for making this aspect of our hobby enjoyable, and frustrating at times, for the last 20+ years.

Bob NX5M

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