[CQ-Contest] Announcing the North America SSB Sprint-boycott from "MAR"

AC0W ac0w at charter.net
Sun Jan 25 13:13:54 EST 2015

Suggest you check the contest rules before throwing a contest into this 
discussion. A check of the NAQP rules has multipliers as provinces, 
states and NA countries outside of US and Canada. The issue of combining 
Canadian provinces to create a multiplier in NAQP does not exist. So it 
should not be part of this discussion.


> Paul,
> Exactly right!  Sections as multipliers in SS are consistent, but NAQP 
> and
> Sprint multipliers are inconsistent, illogical, and appear based 
> merely
> upon an individual's (or individuals') whims that lack geopolitical 
> reality
> or knowledge with no understanding of incentives.
> Being geopolitically consistent and correct -- as are all other 
> contests
> with which I am familiar -- has no downsides.
> Take the example of Mexican states, which are multipliers in the 10 
> meter
> contest.  Great!  I never hear many of them, but I got educated as to 
> their
> political boundaries, any of them that I find helps my score, and 
> there are
> more XE stations in the contest than before.  I have the same chance 
> of
> finding them as anyone else in my geographic area. There's no 
> downside,
> whether or not they are active most of the time -- and they present 
> contest
> expedition opportunities for the adventurous.
> D.C. is the same -- what a surprise when W1AW/3 showed up in the last 
> ten
> meter contest in addition to KE3X, N8HM, W3HAC, W3DQ & NN3RP -- all in 
> D.C.
> 73,  Dave K3ZJ

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