[CQ-Contest] QSO Recorder

Dennis Egan egan.dennis88 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 11:57:12 EDT 2015

I spent several hours setting up  QSO Recorder by K3IT for the WPX
contest.  It wasn't my first try and recording a contest, but it was my
first try and using this program.  I used the continuous option switch, so
I got continuous recordings made every hour.  The default puts Radio 1 on
the left channel, and Radio 2 on the right channel, so if you listen to the
recording it sometimes sounds jumbled unless you turn down one channel.

Many thanks to Vasily for a nice program!  It did take a few hours to set
up and see how it worked, but I now have a recording of each QSO I made in
the contest, and 48 continuous hours (actually 60 continuous hours, as I
forgot to stop the program after the contest was over!) from the program.
If anyone wants to hear how they sounded in VE3, drop me an email and I'll
send you back a file.

There were also a lot of Far East stations- BG8UND?, YE1ZAT, and others,
that are on the continuous audio file that aren't in the log.  They aren't
in the log because, even though they had an S6 or louder signal, they
couldn't hear me.

Dennis VA3CCO (aka W1UE)

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