[CQ-Contest] CT Day Contest - this weekend!

Filipe Lopes ct1ilt at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 07:20:43 EDT 2015

Hello everyone,

I would like to remind everyone that the Portugal Day contest is held this
weekend the 13th June 12:00 UTC untill the 14th June 12:00 UTC.

Please spread out the word to your friends or club.

Rules and previous results can be viewed at http://portugaldaycontest.rep.pt

Brief rules description:
Bands: 80, 40, 20,15 and 10 m.
Mode: CW, SSB or mixed.
Contest exchanges for non CT stations: RST + serial number starting from
CT stations send their county abbreviations.

Cabrillo logs have to be sent to rep-concursos at rep.pt by the 1st of

*Good news, trophies now can be won if you make 400 valid qsos if you are
outside of CT or 250 if you are in CT.*

On behalf of the contest committee,
Filipe Lopes

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